Cover of the artist Ibrahima Wone
Profile picture of the artist Ibrahima Wone
Ibrahima Wone

Ibrahima Wone


Born in 1988 in a family of traditional dyers, Ibrahima Wone Bocoum, known as TAMPIDARO, grew up in the Medina district of Dakar. At an early age, he developed a passion for drawing and painting, creating his first canvases from fabrics and natural dyes collected in the family workshop. In 2004, he gave up his studies and tried his hand at carpentry, dressmaking and even supervising in a secondary school. In 2015, he devoted himself exclusively to painting as a self-taught artist. He then joined the "Car Rapide" workshop to work with painter Saadio, perfecting his techniques, evolving his own contemporary style and taking a professional look at the craft. His bold choice marked the start of a succession of exhibitions in and
