The Forest Creative Loft will be hosting a Symposium on Saturday January 20, 2024 under the theme Going Back Through Memory Lane. The Symposium will also serve a stage to present the the archive platform throughmemorylane.com. The Event will start at 2:00 pm.
Going back through memory lane is a project that was initiated to initiate a dialogue in response to the current situation of the political and social crisis in the Northern and Southern Western part of Cameroon, the region commonly known as the anglophone side of the Country.
Because of the lack of spaces for conversation and information about the causes that led to it but also the lack of transparency in regards to what is going on currently, we have initiated the creation of a digital platform that could serve as a collective digital archive including collected historical materials found in different personal and institutional archives, inter and intragenerational testimonies, we would like to present the fruits of our investigation in the framework of a symposium where we are inviting some of the interviewed voices, civilians, historians, politician, and artists to speak about The symposium will therefore be a public day of exchange and sharing of the results of this adventure started a year ago in the presence of visual artists, musicians, poets, participants and organizers of the project.
The guests of the symposium includes visual artists Boris Anje, Lilian Tati, Ateh-bi Nebright, and Aurelie Djena, Spoken word artist PenBoy, Entrepreneur and politician Edith Kahbang Walla, Association leader Nkwah Elizabeth as well as Pascal Ndjock Nyobe lecturer and researcher.
The Forest Creative Loft is located at 620, Rue Richard Bell Bali (Carrefour Montagne Manga Bell) in Douala.
To participate, please register here https://www.theforestcreativeloft.com/reservation/#78b45558-8d16-411c-8303-f1ceadcca44d