Cover of the artspace Addis Fine Art | Atlas | አዲስ ፋይን አርት | አትላስ

Addis Fine Art | Atlas | አዲስ ፋይን አርት | አትላስ

Exhibition on view

Addis Fine Art is a leading African contemporary art gallery based in Addis Ababa. The gallery was founded in 2016 by Rakeb Sile and Mesai Haileleul, with a focus on artists from Ethiopia, the Horn of Africa, and its diasporas. Since then, it has championed African artists on the international stage and established itself as a significant voice in the contemporary African art market, with Artsy dubbing it one of the “Most Important Young Galleries in the World” (Artsy 2019). It has developed an international programme showcasing emerging and mid-career artists. The gallery's Addis Ababa location has evolved into a regional incubator for undiscovered talent, exhibiting and developing the careers of emerging artists. Working alongside other local galleries and foundations, Addis Fine Art works to promote sustainable art ecosystems from the continent.

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